Wednesday 1 June 2011

Living Your Life The Way You Want

Feeling bored working Monday to Friday 8-5 daily. Feels like life more like being a machine and feels meaningless.. Time pass so fast and unforgiven.. Just without notice, it's June of 2011 and half year has gone.. What's the life we really want?? In our fast-paced society many people are completely overwhelmed and often feel their lives as being empty and meaningless. Every day looks like “Groundhog Day” repeating over and over again the same patterns and you wonder why. In average we are thinking 60,000 thoughts a day, but the real problem is we are repeating the same thoughts thus getting the same results. We are living our lives mostly based on fear and obligation.

In our society we were trained for the "Survival of the Fittest", were told what to think and to live up to the expectations of others around us. Whose life do you live? Did you ever ask that question? The good news is that there is much more to life than we realize in our daily hectic schedule! We are driven by the effects in our outer world which we created in the first place. You probably heard it already: The Law of Attraction. We attract into our lives what we think and feel about all day long. No exception. If your thoughts are focusing all day long on the lack you believe you have that is what you are getting: More lack! The Law of Attraction works and matches your predominant thoughts bringing into your life the things of the same kind of energy your thoughts are. Thoughts become things! You are in control! Unfortunately most of us are always running on autopilot. In other words we are sub-consciously thinking based on our belief-system and our conditioning of the past! Our mind is set up in a way to always recognize patterns and follow them.

A Life based on Inspiration is the total opposite of fear and obligation. It means you live based on Joy and Love. Your whole world around you is going to change once you reached that stage and there will be no more that feeling of emptiness. Why do we feel empty and often lonesome anyway? Because in our belief-system we anchored that we all are separate beings disconnected form each other. That’s what we call our “reality”, but it is only the effects created by us in the outer world triggering that feeling. By no means are we “disconnected”; in fact we are all connected together and of course we are connected to “Source-Energy”, to all that is or in other words to God. It is only the perception we have that leads us into this feeling of being “lonesome”.

The fact by itself that you are reading this article is already a sign that you are becoming aware of your connectedness, becoming aware that your life has a purpose to it beyond your imagination. What does Inspiration mean? It means being “In Spirit”! You never lost connection; you are just not tuned in to it. We are all so mind-driven and this chatterbox is making noise all day long telling us what to do, but always form this place of fear and obligation. We must become still to become aware of Inspiration or the voice of your true Self. Your Ego is standing right in your way making you believe that your ego is you. Nothing could be more far away from the truth.

How could you benefit from a life based in Inspiration instead?

When you are inspired you have access to your true power inside and your mind transcends any limitations. Your Consciousness is expanding beyond measure and you find yourself in a new world. Suddenly your hidden talents and gifts, which make you so unique, become alive. You discover that you are by far a greater person than your ego allowed you to be and that you ever dreamt of. You will find that you are OK the way you are, because you are already the most beautiful version of yourself you possibly can imagine.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "We are very near to greatness: one step and we are safe; can we not take the leap?"

Sure you can take that leap, it only requires that you make this conscious choice to personally grow and expand yourself to the greatness you truly are. I hope this could help you out somehow and remember to share your comment, idea and feedback by just sending to

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