Monday 30 May 2011

The power of WORDS!!!

Have you ever think about every words you blast out from our mouth and how would they feel especially when you're teasing or insulting someone.. It may seem like a joke, it may seem nothing to you or it was just a words.. BUT you will never realize how powerful words can be.. Speaking comes to most people as naturally as breathing. On many occasions our words are uttered without conscious thought; in fact we rarely stop and think about what we are saying. Thousands of words pour out of our mouths each day as our thoughts, opinions, judgement and beliefs are freely expressed. Often, however, we are oblivious to the positive or negative effect these words have on ourselves and the people around us.

Words have tremendous power. Words give out energy and a message which creates a reaction in others. Everything you say produces an effect in the world. Whatever you say to someone else will produce some kind of an effect in that person. Reaction to our words often returns to us often in a multiplied form. For example if I speak words of judgement to a person they will judge me back, probably with more intensity as their judgement has the pain or anger caused by my words attached to it Words of kindness and acceptance will generate a warm and appreciative reaction in a person. That person’s response to the words will be stronger because it will have the emotion created by the words attached to it. The power of words has a ripple effect in our life and those around us. 

We never knew that we may have hurt someone with our words. Words have the power to heal and it has the power to destruct also.We are constantly creating something, either positive or negative with our words. I would never said that i'm perfect and never hurt other people's feeling through my words but i minimize it and keep reminding myself how POWERFUL words can be.. So i would gladly said we keep to these simple yet powerful principles of words in ourself and practice it.

  • Your words can be a healing power in someone else's life
  • Changing your words can transform your life and the lives of others
  • The words we speak do more than simply express how we feel, words can actually affect feelings
  • You can create the energy to turn your dreams into reality by knowing what to say when you talk to yourself
  • A candle loses nothing of it's own light when lighting another candle

Let's me share with you a short clips on how powerful words can be and maybe you can give me some feedback or comment on how does really words affect people and yourself. If you have any comment, feedback or idea, feel free to email to

Saturday 28 May 2011

Steps to become SUCCESSFUL!!!

It's quite a long time i last updated my blog.. Having some difficulties with  my schedule and probably working towards my own goal.. How long will it takes and what should i do to become successful?? Have you ever wonder and target on your own goal?? Have you think of how to make it achieve your goals and make it really happen?? Let me share with you my way of achieving my goal and i think it's very useful for everyone. There are 8 steps in total and i think most of us know about it but don't really practice it.. Without wasting much time, let's have a look on all the steps...

1. Goal Setting
If you have read my blog, you can see that I had discuss on secrets of success. It is because I don’t think you can succeed if you haven’t decided what you consider success, first.You need to have a target to aim for, you need to know why you are working.

2. Planning
Without a roadmap success is impossible. Many studies have been made to why some entrepreneurs succeed while others don’t. In most cases, it all comes down to planning. Successful entrepreneurs have made complete plans for how they are going to succeed and what they plan on doing. Often they end up doing something completely different, but the act of planning moves you to a long term mindset and it gives you a frame of reference when you evaluate opportunities and something to update when it is time to change.

3. Acting
A perfect plan cannot do anything until acted on. All the successful people I have worked with have developed the habit of acting. When they get an idea they take action at once.When they see an opportunity they don’t wait until tomorrow, they act. Once you have completed your plan, act on it.

4. Fail/learn
Every successful person I have met have failed at least once, by failed I don’t mean you have to go bankrupt, but at least once their plans didn’t go as they thought. They didn’t know everything before they started. There were things they needed to learn.When you start towards your success you will hit at least one bump on the road, learn from it, learn how to avoid it and then get back on the horse.

5. Planning
With the new lesson you have learned you will need to update your plan, it might not be any major changes but you will need to do something. You will need to make some adjustments so that you take the quickest way towards your goals.

6. Acting
Strangely this is the most common part people miss. They try once, they fail, they make new plans and then they stop. They don’t have the courage to try again. It feels almost ridiculous when you see the steps one after another, taking action on the plan you just made should be obvious, but everyone doesn’t do it. Your chances of success are infinitely higher now that you have failed once, use the knowledge you have paid for and succeed. If you do you will be one of the chosen few who live their dreams.

7. Learning
After going through the first crushing setback you learn a lot, but as you continue and get nearer and nearer your success you will see that you constantly need to learn more. Successful people seek out knowledge and never believe that they know everything. They continue improving themselves all the time.

8. Succeeding
After your struggles are complete and you have learned enough you will succeed. This step is mostly about recognizing it. Once you have succeeded make sure to take pleasure in it, don’t blindly continue working and toiling. Live your dream life, the one you have deserved.

So, it's never to late to start the steps now and become successful in your life and career. If you have any doubts or problems or ideas, you can always share out by sending to I hope everyone will gain something from this post.. 

Sunday 22 May 2011

SUPER Quotes!!!!

Opps!! It's Sunday again and less than 9 hours, everyone including ME got to go to work again..Hmm... Monday blues?? So, i came across a few motivational QUOTES that will charge you up like SUPERMAN or SUPERWOMEN!!! I believes there are thousands  famous quotes out there, but there are only a few with the power to touch your heart. Now, I would like to share 9 famous quotes that will not only supercharge your day and make you wise, but also inspire you to go after your wildest dreams and aspirations.The truth of the matter is that you can become and have anything you want in this world. The only person stopping you is yourself.With all that said, let’s jump right into the famous quotes, shall we?

1. ‘Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.’ – Van Wilder
We all worry more than we have to. When you think back in your life to the times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything?
If you really think about it, I think you will find that worrying doesn’t help nor does it solve anything. In fact, it often makes things much worse and it makes you feel bad.
Whenever you start worrying, instantly shift your focus to what you can do about the problem right now. If there’s nothing to do, let it go.

2. ‘It’s your thinking that decides whether you’re going to succeed or fail.’ – Henry Ford
Most people are more than happy to make excuses and give reasons for why they can’t do something.
It is in their thoughts that most people fail. One of the most common characteristics of successful people is that they are optimistic, positive, and they never give up.
They constantly imagine themselves succeeding and they face and overcome challenges easily. If you want to go after your dream life, you first have to get your thinking in order.

3. ‘Remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.’ – Abraham Lincoln
It is your own resolution and determination which decides whether you succeed or not.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed dozens or even hundreds of times, because if you don’t give up, your success is inevitable.
You can be a success, live a life full of passion, and have everything you desire, if you will just make the decision.

4. ‘You can do anything, but not everything.’ – David Allen
You can do anything you want, but not everything at the same time. You have to pick a few primary goals in your life that you want to pursue right now.
Or even better; just pick one.
This will not only help you make more progress, but it will make you feel motivated and inspired to take action.
When you focus on as few things as possible, you give your subconscious mind a solid target to aim at.

5. ‘You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.’ – Wayne Gretzky
How many regrets do you have? How many times have you wished that you would’ve had the courage to do something?
If you’re like most people, it’s pretty often.
Take that feeling and use it to take action right now. Go after what you want, even though you may not believe that it is possible.
Go take that new yoga class, try painting because you always wanted to try it, or start your online business today.

6. ‘We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ – Aristotle
Courage, self-discipline, and the ability to get things done is not something you’re born with. You can cultivate the habit of being productive and achieving your goals by constantly doing so.
The people that are living their dream lives are able to do so because they have taken action. They have been where you are, and they have overcome their inertia and started moving forward.
And they have kept moving forward despite their fears and despite any challenges that stood in their way.
You can do the same. You can always make excuses but the truth is that you can always do something, so begin with that.

7. ‘Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching.’ – Unknown Author
When you find work that you would do for free, you have found your passion and calling in life. When you have no expectations, your life will be like dance.
Most people love because they want to be loved. And most people don’t dance, because they fear embarrassment.
I say, love because it feels good, and dance even though you may look like a complete idiot if that is what you want to do.
Life is meant to be an adventure full of fun, passion, and meaning. You are the only one that can create that for you.

8. ‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.’ – Albert Einstein
Use your imagination to create the life of your dreams. You’ve heard of the law of attraction, which is excellent, but what most people often forget is that there’s also a law of action.
Use your imagination to plant the seed in your subconscious mind about what you want, but after that start taking massive action.
You can have what you want, if you will only go after it. I repeat this over and over because it is true and I want you to understand that.

9.’The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.’ – Lao Tzu
No matter what you want to accomplish in life. And no matter how long you think the journey is, it all begins with a single step.
For example, building a profitable online business begins with a single step. You can take that step today if you choose to, or you can put it off until another day.
And that day may never come, so you as well get started now.

So, still feel the same or does it really boost you up.. Let's see whether you could be one of them below:-

So, let's roll it out and make your day better!!! Anything to share just email to

Thursday 19 May 2011

Blood Donation!!!

I came across this topic in Red FM and it reminds me of my 1st time blood donation in university. I'm kinda worry and scare but have to act "man" and "macho" in front of my uni-mate. Everything just happen so fast and it's done. I had save someone life at the age of 18. How bout you? Have you ever donate blood? It doesn't need money to save and help someone. You only needs to donate some of your bloods and  what is equally important is that blood donation do really good for our health. I do understand that some people are afraid of pain and being misleading from "some" people about blood donation. Thus, i would like to take this opportunity to highlight a few important information about blood donation. Hope this will change your mind and start donating blood now.

What is Blood donation?
There are fears that a blood donation will leave us deficient and thin. It is just a myth and the fact is just opposite.  Blood donation is actually healthy for us. It ensures fresh blood production within our body and the donated blood is recovered within a short period of time.

Can I donate blood?
Yes you can, if you satisfy these conditions. (Congrates that you have pass the 1st criteria and a step nearer to saving life)
·         A donor should be between 18-55 years with a body weight of 50 kg and above.
·         The pulse rate and temperature should be normal.
·         The blood pressure should be within a normal range.
·         Not in starvation or special dieting program.

Who can’t donate blood?
Do take note that not everyone could donate and we should strictly follow. (It's fine and don't feel bad if you falls under this categories, you may help out in other ways such as promoting the importance of blood donation or becoming a voluntary in blood donation drive)
·         Individuals with history of epilepsy, abnormal bleeding, asthma and cardiovascular problems.
·         Pregnant, lactating and menstruating women.
·         Those suffering from diseases like jaundice, malaria, hepatitis, measles and syphilis.
·         People who have undergone surgery and blood transfusion.
·         Individuals who have consumed alcohol.

How much blood is collected and what is done with it?
Only 350 -450 ml of blood is collected from us. It seem a lot but remember, we have 5-6 litres of blood flowing through our body. The withdrawn volume is restored within 24 hours and the haemoglobin and cell components are restored in 5-8 weeks. Therefore, we can donate blood every three months.

Who needs blood?
Report shows that someone needs blood every 2 seconds. The list is a long one, here are few recipients that i would like to highlight.
·         Accident victims
·         Premature babies
·         Patients undergoing major surgeries require whole blood
·         Patients suffering from anemia
·         Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
·         Fresh frozen plasma is used for patients having massive transfusions
·         Patients with hemophilia

Lastly, always remember friends, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your relatives, your neighbors, your friends and even you may require blood due to some unfortunate conditions. Donate blood and save live. If your keen to donate blood, you may check in for the time and location of donation. Any sharing could email to There is a short clip to share with you all and i do believe everyone should play a role in saving life.

~One Donor can save many Lives~

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Child Slavery~~~

After a day of enlighten from Wesak Day, do WE as human really wake up and realize all the teaching and value of being a human.. Do we feel CONTENTED with what we have and when do we will feel ENOUGH with what we have?? I had to admit i never feel that and wish to have more and more.. I think this is the factor that drive us more away from enlighten and into darkness.. We never appreciate what we have and always complain and compare for the best.. Did we ever look for those who more poor and unlucky then us?? Because of $$$$, we betray our own kind and human nature that we could do anything even CHILD SLAVERY!!!! 

I wish all those who did this will realised the sin that they commit and please stand on their shoe and think for only ONCE.. How they feel?? For those who don't really expose to Child Slavery, let me share a brief idea on this matter..Many children in Asia are kidnapped or otherwise trapped in servitude, where they work in factories and workshops for no pay and receive constant beatings. This is usually how the whole things happen :-

Typically, an agent from the city arrives in the village.  He shows great sympathy for the child’s parents and a deep understanding of their plight and financial problems. He purchases two dresses for the mother and purchases a cow for the father (but the cow is an old sick cow which dies after a few months).  

In due course, the family’s new friend tells them that he could get a job for the child in the city where the child would be properly trained, receive wages and have good prospects for promotion. The parents, seeing this as the opportunity of a lifetime for their child to escape from rural poverty, agree. The agent gives them a piece of paper with the name and address of a non-existent employment agency.  

In reality, it is all a scam. The children live in a den or a squalid shed, with no prospects and no pay. Many are beaten with sticks and iron rods and not even allowed to see their parents. They are branded with red hot irons, burnt with cigarettes, starved, whipped, beaten while hanging upside down, chained up, abused in an intimate way, and kept locked in cupboards for days on end. Let's share some of the experience that i came across from all this poor victims...

One child, Shankar, described his experience thus:
“We were poked with burning cigarettes on the back and legs.  If we cried for our mothers we were locked in a room without air or enough light.  We were forced to work for 20 hours a day without pay.We were kept half fed and beaten up severely by our masters if we were found talking or laughing among ourselves. One night I jumped into the nearby River Ganges to kill myself to escape from this painful life. We were never allowed to go back to our parents, to our villages.”  

Some, like 14 year old Nageshwar, are branded by their masters with red-hot brands.  
Most sweatshops have windows and doors barred to prevent escape. The factory or sex den is guarded by thugs armed with cudgels and, occasionally, with guard dogs.  

The child’s parents hear nothing more from the child. If a parent gets suspicious, he or she may go to the address of the agency, only to find that it does not exist.  If the child’s parent finally tracks down the factory or den where the child lives and works, the master tells them: “I paid for his food and medicine”, and claims that the child cannot leave until the enormous fictitious “debts” which he incurred in keeping the child are repaid.  When, eventually, the police arrive, they throw the parent out.

“I was beaten for even scratching my skin and my father was beaten when he came to see me.  Ever since I started working, I haven’t been given either a wage or a single day off”.
Ashok, 8 years, who worked a 21-hour day from 3 am until midnight in a carpet factory in India.

“I was not allowed to meet my parents for the 7 years that I worked, though I would often ask for permission.  The only response was more beatings”. “Two of my friends were killed.  They were wrapped in jute bags, which were tied to heavy stones and thrown in the river”
Dilip, India

These children are the face of the slavery today and all this is not created like movie but FACT of life.. Is real and it's keep on going to the people.. Lastly, a meaningful song to that represent all unfortunate child in this world.. For any stories or opinion to share with, email to

Monday 16 May 2011

A Day For Enlighten

It has been quite sometime I din't update this blog and lost in action.. Is a enlighten day for me and everyone i think as there will be a BIG day and celebration going on.. For those who don't have an idea on what's this day all about, it is WESAK DAY or some said BUDDHA DAY. How many of you all really understand the story and purpose behind this celebration?? Neither do i in the 1st place that i had to admit.. Out of curiosity, i did bit of research on this matter and i come to an summary of the whole story behind this BIG day.. Let's spend some time to understand and appreciate this wonderful day with open heart..

The significance of Vesak lies with the Buddha and his universal peace message to mankind.

As we recall the Buddha and his Enlightenment, we are immediately reminded of the unique and most profound knowledge and insight which arose in him on the night of his Enlightenment. This coincided with three important events which took place, corresponding to the three watches or periods of the night.

During the first watch of the night, when his mind was calm, clear and purified, light arose in him, knowledge and insight arose. He saw his previous lives, at first one, then two, three up to five, then multiples of them .. . ten, twenty, thirty to fifty. Then 100, 1000 and so on.... As he went on with his practice, during the second watch of the night, he saw how beings die and are reborn, depending on their Karma, how they disappear and reappear from one form to another, from one plane of existence to another. Then during the final watch of the night, he saw the arising and cessation of all phenomena, mental and physical. He saw how things arose dependent on causes and conditions. This led him to perceive the arising and cessation of suffering and all forms of unsatisfactoriness paving the way for the eradication of all taints of cravings. With the complete cessation of craving, his mind was completely liberated. He attained to Full Enlightenment. The realisation dawned in him together with all psychic powers.

The heart of the Teachings of the Buddha is contained in the teachings of the Four Noble Truths, namely,

The Noble Truth of Dukkha or suffering
The Origin or Cause of suffering
The End or Cessation of suffering
the Path which leads to the cessation of all sufferings

The First Noble Truth is the Truth of Dukkha which has been generally translated as 'suffering'. But the term Dukkha, which represents the Buddha's view of life and the world, has a deeper philosophical meaning. Birth, old age, sickness and death are universal. All beings are subject to this unsatisfactoriness. Separation from beloved ones and pleasant conditions, association with unpleasant persons and conditions, and not getting what one desires - these are also sources of suffering and unsatisfactoriness. The Buddha summarises Dukkha in what is known as the Five Grasping Aggregates. Herein, lies the deeper philosophical meaning of Dukkha for it encompasses the whole state of being or existence.

Our life or the whole process of living is seen as a flux of energy comprising of the Five aggregates, namely the Aggregate of Form or the Physical process, Feeling, Perception, Mental Formation, and Consciousness. These are usually classified as mental and physical processes, which are constantly in a state of flux or change.

When we train our minds to observe the functioning of mental and physical processes we will realise the true nature of our lives. We will see how it is subject to change and unsatisfactoriness. And as such, there is no real substance or entity or Self which we can cling to as 'I', 'my' or 'mine'.

When we become aware of the unsatisfactory nature of life, we would naturally want to get out from such a state. It is at this point that we begin to seriously question ourselves about the meaning and purpose of life. This will lead us to seek the Truth with regards to the true nature of existence and the knowledge to overcome unsatisfactoriness.

From the Buddhist point of view, therefore, the purpose of life is to put an end to suffering and all other forms of unsatisfactoriness - to realise peace and real happiness. Such is the significance of the understanding and the realisation of the First Noble Truth. The Second Noble Truth explains the Origin or Cause of suffering. Tanha or craving is the universal cause of suffering. It includes not only desire for sensual pleasures, wealth and power, but also attachment to ideas', views, opinions, concepts, and beliefs. It is the lust for flesh, the lust for continued existence (or eternalism) in the sensual realms of existence, as well as the realms of form and the formless realms. And there is also the lust and craving for non-existence (or nihilism). These are all different Forms of selfishness, desiring things for oneself, even at the expense of others. Not realizing the true nature of one's Self, one clings to things which are impermanent, changeable and perishable. The failure to satisfy one's desires through these things; causes disappointment and suffering. Craving is a powerful mental force present in all of us. It is the root cause of our sufferings. It is this craving which binds us in Samsara - the repeated cycle of birth and` death. The Third Noble Truth points to the cessation of suffering. Where there is no craving, there is no becoming, no rebirth. Where there is no rebirth, there is no decay. no, old age, no death, hence no suffering. That is how suffering is ended, once and for all. The Fourth Noble Truth explains the Path or the Way which leads to the cessation of suffering. It is called the Noble Eightfold Path.

The Noble Eightfold path avoids the extremes of self-indulgence on one hand and self-torture on the other. It consists of Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.

These path factors may be summarised into 3 stages of training, involving morality, mental culture and wisdom. Morality or good conduct is the avoidance of evil or unwholesome actions -- actions which are tainted by greed, hatred and delusion; and the performance of the good or wholesome actions, - actions which are free from greed, hatred and delusion, but motivated by liberality, loving-kindness and wisdom. The function of good conduct or moral restraint is to free one's mind from remorse (or guilty conscience). The mind that is free from remorse (or guilt) is naturally calm and tranquil, and ready for concentration with awareness. The concentrated and cultured mind is a contemplative and analytical mind. It is capable of seeing cause and effect, and the true nature of existence, thus paving the way for wisdom and insight.

Wisdom in the Buddhist context, is the realisation of the fundamental truths of life, basically the Four Noble Truths. The understanding of the Four Noble Truths provide us with a proper sense of purpose and direction in life. They form the basis of problem-solving.

The message of the Buddha stands today as unaffected by time and the expansion of knowledge as when they were first enunciated. No matter to what lengths increased scientific knowledge can extend man's mental horizon, there is room for the acceptance and assimilation for further discovery within -the framework of the teachings of the Buddha.

The teaching of the Buddha is open to all to see and judge for themselves. The universality of the teachings of the Buddha has led one of the world's greatest scientists, Albert Einstein to declare that 'if there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism'

So, now that you know the story behind Wesak Day. Let's us pray for our love one and everyone on earth. As we human face lots of disaster and difficulties, we should learn from our mistakes and be a better person through religions teaching no matter Buddha, Islam, Chirstian, Hindu and etc as i strongly believes all religions guide us to become a better person.. Hope everyone have a wonderful day and you may send mail to if you have anything to share about Wesak Day.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Love & Appreciate Your Parents!!!

Hmm.. after watching "Great Day", i came across this question.. How long is the life spent of a person??  No one can give me an exact figure.. Averagely about 60 -70 years.. So, now i'm going to ask you.. How old is your parent?? How much time do you have to repay all their love and care and look after them?? 

Ever taken them for granted that it's still a long way and have a lot of time? How did it feel when the person you depended on was gone? It’s easy to appreciate what you have once it’s gone. The difficult task is to appreciate what we have while we still have it. Take the time to thank a friend for being there. Talk to your parents, to your grandparents, your children, or your grandchildren. Instead of wishing you had more and better possessions, try to think of the people who would love to have what you have. By learning to appreciate what you have now; it will be less of a shock once it’s gone. So take time today to cherish what you have, because it could be gone by tomorrow.

Ask yourself the question below and answer honestly.. Then evaluate it yourself whether you're doing great or need more improvement.. Only you yourself knows it..

When was the last time you told your parents how grateful you are just for being their children?

When was the last time you told your parents how sorry you are for the troubles you have caused in the past?

When was the last time you looked at your parents and said in your heart, "Thank God for these people"?

When was the last time you hugged your parents and said, "Thank you for the love and care you've given me, I love you so much"?

When was the last time you bought a present for your parents outside their birthday?

When was the last time you prayed for your parents?

When was the last time you made your parents proud of your achievements?

When was the last time you cancelled your date just because you want to be alone with your parents?

When was the last time you thought to bring your parents with you when you saw an ad about some nice place?

When was the last time you said to your parents, "Ok guys, relax now, today is my turn to clean the house"?

When was the last time you were on your way home with nothing else on your mind but the thought of seeing your parents?

When was the last time you've proudly told your friends about how great your parents are?

When was the last time you thought about all these things?

Remember, your parents did all this for you, long before you could say a word. They did it, not because they had to, but because they loved you and they will keep doing it again and again, always and forever.

For them, loving you is like breathing, how can they stop? 

So not that them for granted and tell them how much you love them.. I would proudly said  "I LOVE YOU MUM & DAD" If you wish to write a message to your parent, you may email to and it will be post and share out.. Just a small thing could make a big difference.. Make your choice..

Monday 9 May 2011

What do you REALLY want???

Hmm.. I think most of us don't really have a specific answer on this and maybe don't even know how to achieve this.. The statement, “You can do anything you put your mind to,” leads us to believe that all you must do is imagine what you’d like to accomplish, set your mind to the task, and wait for success.

To a certain degree this is true. Focused intention combined with action is a powerful force. But the statement is misleading because it fails to mention the difficulty and necessity of focusing your mind on a specific goal. Most of us don’t know what we want. We think we do, but we really don’t. We only know what we don’t want. We don’t want a boring job. We don’t want to be poor. We don’t want to disappoint our loved ones. Knowing specifically what you want is much different than knowing what you don’t want. When you only know what you don’t want, your intentions are’t focused. Consider this example.

Pete doesn’t want to be poor. He’s sick of earning less than his friends, and he’s determined to raise his status. (I think everyone has the same thinking especially GUY) To accomplish this goal, Pete could take many different paths. He could train for a high paying profession, such as doctor or lawyer. He could start his own company, go into real estate, or do many other things that would lead to acquiring wealth.

But Pete isn’t sure what he wants to do. He doesn’t know which path best fits his skills and personality, so he doesn’t resolve to follow any particular path. Hoping to answer this question, he investigates a dozen possibilities, but as soon as he runs into adversity he decides that path isn't for him and moves on to a new solution. (This is what usually people do and this goes same to me) Pete’s actions aren't focused. Although he works very hard, his efforts don’t build on each other. Rather than building one giant impenetrable sand castle, Pete has built twenty smalls ones that are easily toppled. He ends up confused and discouraged. Ultimately Pete’s lack of focus leads to FAILURE.

Now, what if Pete had chosen a specific path? Suppose he decided on the law profession. His actions would have been clearly defined:
Get a high score on the LSAT
Attain letters of recommendation
Get accepted to a good law school
Decide on a field of law
Earn a law degree
Find a high paying job with a good law firm

A set of specific goals is much easier to achieve than a vague end goal like becoming wealthy. Being focused on a path gives Pete a logical set of actions to follow. Each accomplishment is one step closer to the final goal.
I think we can all agree that committing to a clearly defined path, regardless of which one, gives Pete the best chance of becoming wealthy.

But how can he choose a path if he doesn’t know what he wants? Maybe money isn’t his only goal. Maybe he wants to do something he loves at the same time. Maybe he can’t afford to go back to school. Reality is complicated, and Pete doesn’t want to commit too soon. And that’s why he fails. (We must dare to face the reality and fact of life)

But I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Most people don’t fit neatly into a predefined path. Forcing yourself into one may lead to success, but it probably won’t make you happy. (This is the point. If you want to be conventionally successful, to attain wealth and status, you need to choose a specific path preferably something mainstream and follow it to the letter). On the other hand, if you aren't particularly concerned with wealth or success, you can take your time searching for that perfect niche. Just don’t wait too long to decide. Each moment you deliberate, your already committed competitors sprint further ahead.

But, then again, maybe life isn’t a race, and maybe the most interesting people follow a path all their own. So, what are you waiting for?? List down the exact goals and action needed instead of scribbling all the goals that did not focus. Share your idea and opinion by sending email to

P/S: Source of information from

Thursday 5 May 2011

Secrets of SUCCESS.....

Have you ever think what is it that makes people successful such as Vincent Tan, Lim Goh Tong and Robert Kok and I mean really successful compared to you or me? Are they smarter or do they work harder? Are they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends? We're trying to be like one of them and most of them think that's impossible.. For me, impossible = I'm possible. Let's have a look on a 3 minutes presentation that could leave you a big impact on the secret of success.

So, do you agree or disagree with that he had shared?? For me, i think it's totally correct and straight to the point..Besides this clip, I had come across a conclusive secret of all successfully people and they had something in common which i would like to share it out.. I hope you take these not-so-secret, secrets to heart and realize your dreams – whatever they may be. Here how's it goes...

1. How You Think is Everything.
Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.
This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire list. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. I was always given the advice “never say I can’t” and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary. I’ve found that from time-to-time my attitude waivers. A mentor of mine once said “it’s ok to visit pity city, but you can’t stay and there comes a time when you need to leave”. Positive things happen to positive people.

2. Decide upon Your True Dreams and Goals: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Write down my dreams and goals? Develop a plan to reach them? You mean like a project plan? Yes, that’s exactly what this means. You may have heard the old adage: A New Years resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals. Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams. My goal is to start a second career as a freelance writer – what are your goals?

3. Take Action. Goals are nothing without action.
Be like Nike and “Just do it”. I took action by reaching out and started writing. Every day I try to take some action towards my goals. It may be small, but it’s still an action. Have you taken action towards your goals?

4. Never Stop Learning: Go back to school or read books. Get training & acquire skills.
Becoming a life long learner would benefit us all and is something we should instill in our kids. It’s funny that once you’re out of school you realize how enjoyable learning can be. What have you learned today?

5. Be Persistent and Work Hard: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up.
I think every story of success I read entails long hard hours of work. There is no getting around this and there is no free lunch. But, if you’re working towards something that you’re passionate about, something you love – then is it really work?

6. Learn to Analyze Details: Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes.
I think you have to strike a balance between getting all the facts and making a decision with incomplete data – both are traits of successful people. Spend time gathering details, but don’t catch ‘analysis paralysis’.

7. Focus Your Time And Money: Don’t let other people or things distract you.
Remain laser focused on your goals and surround yourself with positive people that believe in you. Don’t be distracted by the naysayer’s or tasks that are not helping you achieve your goals.

8. Don’t Be Afraid To Innovate: Be different. Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
Follow through on that break-out idea you have. Ask yourself “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?”

9. Deal And Communicate With People Effectively: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.
Successful people develop and nurture a network and they only do that by treating people openly, fairly and many times firmly. There is nothing wrong about being firm – just don’t cross the a-hole line. How do you deal with people?

10. Be Honest And Dependable: Take responsibility, otherwise numbers 1 – 9 won’t matter.

After reading through all the 10 secrets of success, are you motivated and clear about your own goal and your next action?? Life's short, so dont waste anymore time and get yourself ready on track.. If you have any more idea and successful story to share with, you're welcome to email to and it will be posted out.. If you like this blog, remember to promote and be one of the followers.. 

p/s: Source of information taken from writer Victor Stachura in

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Never GIVE UP!!!!

I came across this topic as time pass and i look into many of my colleague's working style.. They just so demotivated and they're coming to work just for the sake of salary.. They're not going to improve themselves as they already give up in the management of the office.. I'm trying very hard to motivate them not to give up and change the environment and style their handling work now and all their answers will be JUST GIVE UP... Why they could easily give up and live their life below their mean.. They deserve much more better than this.. I truly believe this..

I have come across this list of 21 reasons why you should never give up and I hope that you will find it before you give up, so that I can inspire you to keep going! 

1- As Long As You Are Alive Anything Is Possible
The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and free) you have the choice to keep trying until you finally succeed.

2- Be Realistic
The chance of mastering something the first time you do it is almost non-existent. Everything takes time to learn and you will make mistakes. Learn from them.

3- Michael Jordan
Arguably the best basketball player of all time. He attributes his success to all his failures. He just never gave up even when he knew he had missed over 300 shots and had missed the winning shot of the game many times. Every time he got knocked down he got back up again.

4- Lance Armstrong
Lance was diagnosed with serious cancer that had spread throughout his entire body. He had cancer cells the size of golf balls in his lungs. Despite all odds he overcame the cancer and set out to win the Tour de France 6 Consecutive years in a row.

5- The Man Who Created The Marathon
Very long ago an Athenian herald was sent to Sparta to get help when the Persians landed in Greece. It was said that he ran 240km in 2 days and after that he ran 40km to announce the victory of the Greeks only to collapse and die on the spot from exhaustion. If you ever feel like things are difficult, imagine what it would be like to run 240km in 2 days. (Don’t try that because you might die from it, but use it as an inspiration).

6- Chris Gardner – The Pursuit of Happiness
Have you seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness”? It is based on the life story of Chris Gardener, a man who went for the lowest of the lows in an environment where most people would give up (no money, no job) to the highest of the highs (A millionaire with his own investment firm). If you ever think about giving up, watch this movie!

7- Kanye West
I’m pretty sure you have heard of the rapper Kanye West. Read his story. He is a big inspiration for me and proves that you can go from having very little to being among the most famous and respected people in the world.

8- Nelson Mandela
Campaigned for justice and freedom in his South Africa. Spent 20 years in jail for his opposition to apartheid. On release he healed the wounds of apartheid by his magnanimous attitude toward his former political enemies.

9- You Are Strong 
You are stronger than you think. One little setback is not enough to stop you from achieving your goals. Neither are 10 or 100 or 1000 setbacks.

10- Prove Yourself
You don’t want to be known as someone that is weak and gives up. Go out there and prove yourself to the world and to yourself. You CAN and WILL achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when you give up.

11- Has It Been Done Before?
If someone else can do it then so can you. Even if it is only one other person in the world that has achieved what you have set out to achieve, that should be reason enough for you to never give up.

12- Believe In Your Dreams
Don’t sell yourself short. In life there are going to be many people who will try to bring you down and tell you what you want to achieve is not possible. Don’t let anyone destroy your dreams.

13- Your Family and Friends.
Let the people you love and who mean the world to you be your inspiration to persist and persevere. Maybe you need to try a different angle, study more or practice more but don’t give up!

14- Because I Tell You To.
Not that I am any sort of guru or Godly figure, but if you want to give up then don’t. Just because I’m telling you not to.

15- There Are People Worse-Off
Right now there are many people who are in a worse situation and environment than you are right now. Are you thinking about giving up running 5 miles a week? Think about the people who are unable to even walk and how much they would give to be able to run 5 miles every day.

16- Improve Our World
When you achieve whatever you set out to achieve you can use your success to make a difference to the world or other peoples lives.

17- Get Rich or Die Trying
Like Fiddy (50 cent) says, “Get rich or die trying”. 50 Cent is rich, he made it (although he did get shot 9 times). Face your fears and don’t take the easy way out by giving up.

18- Let The Haters Hate
There will always be haters. There will always be plenty of naysayers  and people who try to tear you down. Don’t pay attention to them and don’t take what they say to heart. Let the haters hate and you keep believing in yourself.

19- You Deserve To Be Happy
Don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to have success. Keep that mindset and never give up until you reach your destination!

20- Inspire Others
Be an inspiration to others by refusing to give up. Who knows what someone else can achieve because you never gave up and in turn inspired them not to give up.

21- You Are So Close
Often when you feel like you want to give up and you are about to give up you are so close to making a huge break-thru. Seth Godin has written an awesome book about this called “The Dip” – a riveting read that teaches that at any given time you are always just a heartbeat away from success.

Last but not least, i would like to share a true story of a guy who NEVER give up his life.. Enjoy and make changes from this second onwards..

p/s:- Source of informations from the writter, Diggy -

Monday 2 May 2011

Mother's Day

It's just another weekend over for all the labor and celebrating Labor's Day..Everyone should have charge up and ready for the next celebration.. Hmm.. Let's see, what's next in line.. I think everyone should have aware of the BIG day and if you don't, let me tell you know and get yourself prepare.. It's MOTHER'S DAY... So, what's the true meaning of it and how did you celebrate this blessing day?? How much does you all understand the true meaning of Mother's day??

To understand Mother's Day and what it really means, you need to understand the person in your life called 'Mother'. Mother is one who nurtures you in her womb for nine months and brings you forth to enjoy the supreme blessing on earth, that is, Life. Mother is one who guides you through your infancy and turns the soft, helpless creature to the powerful and successful YOU. She is the guardian angel protecting you and supporting you, feeling for you and serving you silently always with a smile on her face. She prides herself watching you grow and provides you a shoulder to cry on whenever you need. She is every child's best friend. 

For us as a child, every single day should be a Mothers Day. The essence of the meaning of Mother's Day is in the fact that we should try and make this day every year a memorable one for your mother. She should cherish the special feeling of this day and the intensity of that feeling should last her the lifetime.

This is the day to stop, remember, and pray for that special person in our life, without whom we would not have been, what we are today; a day to prove that all her efforts, towards making us a complete person, have been worthwhile and make her feel proud for us. In the broader sense of the term, Mother's Day is a day to be grateful to God for being so kind as to bless us with an angel in the form of Mother. Last but not least, i would like to dedicate this song to all the mothers in this world...

What's your waiting for?? Plan up your mother's day celebration and tell her how much you love her.. If anyone of you wanted to wish your mum in this blog, you may send email to with your wishes and we will post up... Hope to get all of your participation ya!!