Tuesday 9 August 2011

How Not To Be Afraid Of Anything Ever Again

I think all of us have fear in ourself, whether it has been shown out or being hide deep inside us. Fortunately, all fears are learned; no one is born with fears. Fears can therefore be unlearned by practicing self discipline repeatedly with regard to fear until it goes away.The most common fears that we experience, which often sabotage all hope for success, are the fears of failure, poverty, and loss of money. These fears cause people to avoid risk of any kind and to reject opportunity when it is presented to them. They are so afraid of failure that they are almost paralyzed when it comes to taking any chances at all.

There are many other fears that interfere with our happiness. as well. People fear the loss of love or the loss of their jobs and their financial security. People fear embarrassment or ridicule. People fear rejection and criticism of any kind. People fear the loss of respect or esteem of others. These and many other fears hold us back throughout life.
Fear Paralyzes Action
The most common reaction in a fear situation is the attitude of, “I can’t!” This is the fear of failure and loss that stops us from taking action. It is experienced physically, starting in the solar plexus. When people are really afraid, their mouth and throat go dry, their heart starts pounding. Sometimes they breathe shallowly and their stomach churns. Often they feel like getting up and running to the bathroom.

These are all physical manifestations of the inhibitive negative habit pattern, which we all experience from time to time. Whenever a person is in the grip of fear, he feels like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. This fear paralyzes action. It often shuts down the brain and causes the individual to revert to the “fight-or-flight” reaction.  Fear is a terrible emotion that undermines our happiness and can hold us back throughout our lives.
Visualize Yourself as Unafraid
By visualizing yourself performing with confidence and competence in an area where you are fearful, your visual image will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind as instructions for your performance. Yourself image, the way you see yourself and think about yourself, is eventually altered by feeding your mind these positive mental pictures of yourself performing at your best. By using the “act as if” method, you walk, talk, and carry yourself exactly as you would if you were completely unafraid in a particular situation. You stand up straight, smile, move quickly and confidently, and in every respect act as if you already had the courage that you desire.The Law of Reversibility says that “if you feel a certain way, you will act in a manner consistent with that feeling.”  But if you act in a manner consistent with that feeling, even if you don’t feel it, the Law of Reversibility will create the feeling that is consistent with your actions.This is one of the greatest breakthroughs in success psychology. You develop the courage you desire by disciplining yourself repeatedly to do the thing you fear until that fear eventually disappears—and it will.

Confront Your Fears
Your ability to confront, deal with, and act in spite of your fears is the key to happiness and success. One of the best exercises you can practice is to identify a person or situation in your life of which you are afraid and resolve to deal with that fear situation immediately. Do not allow it to make you unhappy for another minute. Resolve to confront the situation or person and put the fear behind you.

Move Toward the Fear
When you identify a fear and discipline yourself to move toward it, it grows smaller and more manageable. What’s more, as your fears grow smaller, your confidence grows.  Soon, your fears lose their control over you.In contrast, when you back away from a fear-inducing situation or person, your fear grows larger and larger.  Soon it dominates your thinking and feeling, preoccupies you during the day, and often keeps you awake at night.
Deal With the Fear Directly
The only way to deal with a fear is to address it head-on. Remind yourself that “denial” is not a river in Egypt. The natural tendency of many people is to deny that they have a problem caused by fear of some kind.They’re afraid of confronting it. In turn, it becomes a major source of stress, unhappiness, and psychosomatic illness.Be willing to deal with the situation or person directly.  As Shakespeare said, “Take arms against a sea of troubles, and in so doing, end them.”

When you force yourself to face any fear-inducing situation in your life, your self-esteem goes up, your self-respect increases, and your sense of personal pride grows. You eventually reach the point in life where you are not afraid of anything. I hope everyone of you will benefit from this and share their opinion if have any to voiceout@hotmail.my.

Sunday 24 July 2011

How to Be More Positive – Every Day??

Looks at the title itself, it sounds like a very good question right? Who really have the answer or who really being positive everyday? No complains, no grudges and nothing negative, i don't think there's any normal human being have being positive everyday. 

Do you have a friend or colleague who complains constantly?

If you do, you’ll know how you feel after a conversation with them: tired, drained, feeling a bit fed up about your own life.

Do you know anyone who’s always cheerful and positive?

If you talk to them, you’ll feel quite differently afterwards: enthused, re-energized, happy.

I’m guessing you can see why positive thinking matters. By being grateful for the good things in life – instead of moaning about the bad ones – you’ll find that your mood is better, and that almost miraculously, more good stuff starts happening to you.
It’s easy, of course, for me to tell you to “look on the bright side!” – but I know that’s easier said than done. So here are five ways to be more positive about life, every single day:

#1: Recognize That You Have a Choice
When something “bad” or “good” happens, you choose how to respond. If you’re finding that hard to believe, think about how other people might react to the same event: your dad, your best friend, the President…. Whatever happens to you, you can always learn something. If you made a mistake and got something wrong, at least you’ll know what not to do next time!
#2: Wake Up Positive
Start your day off with something that you can really enjoy. That might be your favorite food for breakfast, or a gorgeous scented soap in the shower. If you’re looking forward to just one little thing when you wake up, then you’ve got your day off to a good start.You might want to deliberately end on a high note too – you could read a few chapters of a great novel before bed, or have a long, relaxing bath.

#3: Watch Your Language
When you talk to colleagues, family or friends, what sort of language do you use? If you tell your partner “I’ve got a horrible day ahead, I’m so stressed just thinking about it,” then you’re putting yourself into a negative frame of mind.If you and your colleagues habitually whine about work, look for more positive topics of conversation. Try asking “what are you looking forward to this week?”

#4: Reframe Events
“Reframing” is a popular technique in life coaching, where you make a negative event into a more positive one by deliberately viewing it in a different light. So, “I’m really busy, but we’re out of milk, and I have to go to the store” can become “I’m going to take a quick walk to the store, grab the milk we need, and have a mini-break from work so that I can come back refreshed.” For lots more advice on reframing, there’s an excellent series on life coach Vlad Dolezal’s blog.

#5: Write Down Three Good Things
You might have come across the concept of a “gratitude journal” before, where you keep a record of things you’re grateful for. This is a surprisingly powerful practice which can help you to not only feel better, but to also take action to keep improving your life.You don’t have to spend hours writing a long-winded journal. Today, try writing down just three things that you’re thankful for – you can use single words, or short phrases.
So after reading through all the point, how do you really feel? Agree or disagree? try it out and let me know how much this could help you.. If you have any feedback or idea to share with, just email to voiceout@hotmail.com.

Monday 18 July 2011

The Importance Of Finding Out What Motivates You~~

Feel like not stunned from the position your working?? Lack of motivation and don't have specific target..First, let’s find out what the importance of motivation is exactly. Simply put, motivation is that driving force which allows you to achieve your goals and go after what you want in life. If you want to change your personality for the better, get a promotion at work, start a new habit, be a better person who is part of the community, become a better parent for your kid – all of these things would be easier accomplished if you are properly motivated.
As long as you have a strong personal motivation, you can achieve almost anything that you want from life. However, remember not to fall into the trap of looking for short-cuts to achieve your goals. It’s perfectly fine if you have to take a long and winding road to achieve your goal. It will even be a sweeter victory when you finally achieve your goal, knowing that you have had to go through several hurdles to attain it.

How Can I Develop Motivation in Life?

So how can you develop motivation in life? If you wish to accomplish a goal – be it short-term or long-term in nature – how can you find it in you to be properly motivated? Here are a few things that you should keep in mind:
  1. Focus on one goal at a time.
This should be partnered with the fact that you should make sure that your short-term goals all help in achieving your long-term goals. One of the best ways for you to focus on one goal at a time is to make a diary of your goals – yes, write it down – so that you will have a visual representation of the things that you want to achieve rather than letting it all get lost in your head.
  1. Get rid of all the distractions which might prevent you from achieving your goal.
Let’s say that you are a writer who wants to finish a book. How can you type away on your keyboard one chapter after another if there are many distractions surrounding you like television, friends chattering away or the lure of aimlessly browsing through the Internet. In order for you to stay properly motivated, make sure to steer clear of any distractions.
  1. Completely block out any negative influences.
Finally, make sure that you are completely blocking out any negative influences in your life. If you feel that you are being distracted from your goal by a problem which does not seem to go away, ask yourself what you can do to eliminate such a challenge and distraction in your life. Maybe you are being sidetracked by negative thoughts and feelings because you have no faith in yourself. Addressing the root of the problem, completely blocking out any negative distractions and thinking purely positive thoughts is the best way for you to develop motivation in your everyday life.
Constantly Work At Motivating Yourself
A goal doesn’t do you much good unless you are constantly thinking about, and working towards it. Write down your goal and place it somewhere that you will see it at least 1-2 times a day. If you have a weight loss goal, place your written goal beside the refrigerator. If your goal is to get physically stronger, place your written goal near your weight bench so you can see it when you are working out. This provides the extra motivation you need for those tough days.
A great way to motivate yourself with business goals is to put up a motivational quote beside your desk. Do a Google search for motivational quotes, then print off one and put it inside of a picture frame. Keep it there and read it occasionally throughout the day. Whenever you find yourself not looking at the quote anymore, or it no longer provides the inspiration that it once did, it’s time to change the quote. It’s perfectly OK to change this quote every 1-2 weeks for maximum motivation.
Some people make a habit of reading their goals either when they first wake up or right before they go to bed. When you read your goals upon arising, you may begin to notice that you find yourself doing more each day to help you reach your goals. Similarly, when you read your goals right before bed, you may notice that you wake up with good ideas that you never thought of before.
Final Thoughts
It’s important to have motivation in your life. Motivation is the fuel that you need to continue striving for your goals. Soak up motivating things in your life on a daily basis. Read great books that will inspire you. Read great blogs that are both positive and informative.
It’s human nature to have days were you aren’t very motivated. However, if you continue to surround yourself with positive and motivational things, those days will be few and far between. So, you have gone through this article, it usually easier to say than do. Anyway, if you have any idea to share with, pls feel free to email to voiceout@hotmail.com.my.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

5 regrets people have on their deathbeds~~

Look back into your past, how many of you regret with something that you did not do and miss it out.. I came across this articles that share what's the most 5 regrets that people have on their deathbeds or last few moment in this beautiful world.. I would like to share this out so that this 5 regrets wont be yours when your time come and you can proudly said I can leave this world without REGRETS!!!! Just take 10 minutes of your time and read this through and starts working on your regrets..

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
This was the most common regret of all. It’s easy to let our dreams slip by due to circumstances or decisions that we’ve made. These choices mark the divide between living a fulfilled life or one that is full of regrets. It’s important that we aim to achieve at least some of our dreams along the way. We often put off trying for our dreams due to a myriad of reasons. Before we know it, we would have lost our health and therefore, our chance to attain them.If your dream is to start a business, get to it. If it’s to learn how to dance or try skydiving, book a class. If you want to make music, pick up a guitar.

I wish I didn't work so hard.
In between having ends meet and aiming for a luxurious lifestyle, it’s easy to see why we get caught up with our work. This was a common regret of male patients who didn’t manage to spend enough time with their family. It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race, but remember to set aside some time for the important things in life. Most importantly, you will have to understand why you do what you do. Is it for your own personal achievement, for family, or for a higher calling?

I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
Hands up anyone who has suppressed their feelings in order to avoid potential embarrassment or argument. Avoiding arguments is good for a harmonious life, but the problem comes when we take it too far. When we blindly follow the opinions of someone more assertive just to avoid arguments, we’re shortchanging ourselves. While it’s understandable that we use Twitter and blogging to rant about things we are unhappy with, do remember that talking about it face-to-face is always a more sincere option.So if an issue is major enough, try approaching the person for an honest and frank chat. We’re not saying that the talk will be smooth sailing, but your relationships will emerge stronger and healthier.

I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
It’s easy to lose touch with good friends. A busy lifestyle can take away time from the ones you love. This is where technology comes in. With services like Facebook, WhatsApp and Yahoo! Messenger, it’s easy to keep tabs on old friends. Talking to friends is so effortless today that we have no reason to let staying in touch with friends take a backseat. At the end of the day though, nothing beats chatting over a cup of coffee. So always remember to occasionally take things offline and catch up with your friends the old fashioned way.

 I wish that I had let myself be happier.
‘Many don't realize until the end that happiness is a choice’, said Ware in her blog post. This is very true. Happiness is something that we choose for ourselves. Many get upset over the circumstances in their lives. What they do not realize is that they can choose to face difficulties with a smile. Take a moment and enjoy life. If difficulties come your way, remember that pain is inevitable but wallowing in misery is always optional. Choose to be happy.

So what's you opinion and perception on this?? Agree or Disagree?? There has been quite a lot of issue being highlight in this blog and i think is time to do some review and feedback from reader.. If you have any comment or improvement idea on this blog, kindly leave a message to voiceout@hotmail.my. Your feedback is thoroughly appreciated and thanks in advance.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Stay Productive When You’re Feeling LOW~~

Feeling down, tired and bored with daily 9-5 work from Monday to Friday?? Feeling stress up and fedupt with all the works?? I think everyone face this problems especially young working adult that get bored with their work very fast and that includes ME..You might end up doing something totally counter-productive: procrastinating, or tackling the easy, unimportant tasks, or even driving yourself to tears. So i have done some reading and there are a few ways that i would like to share :-

Here’s how to keep yourself on track:

#1: Make a List of Tasks
This is a classic time-management technique … because it really works. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, sit down and write a clear list of tasks. What do you need to do today? What could you put off for a few days if necessary? You’ll get clarity. Instead of thinking “I must do something about Project X” you’ll have a clear action step like “Phone John about Project X”. You won’t worry about forgetting to do things. You can see what really has to be done – and it’s usually not so bad as you imagined! You’ll be able to check off each item as you complete it, which can be very satisfying.

#2: Take a Real Break
When you’re feeling low or struggling with your work, it’s tempting to take a break and surf the net or zone out in front of the television. You might feel bad about being “unproductive” – and end up trying to force yourself to do chores. If you need a break, then take one – and make it something truly recharging. Grab a shower, take a long bath, or even have a nap. Give yourself a real break from what you’re working on, and you’ll find your motivation returning.

#3: Avoid Dwelling on Negative Thoughts
Have you ever started feeling a bit down … and ended up making yourself more and more unhappy? It’s all too easy to get trapped in a spiral of negative thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking something negative, like “I’m so stupid – how could I have made such a dumb mistake?” or “I’m really bad at managing my time” then stop. Look at your task list and pick something to focus on. Start working steadily through it, and you’ll find that those upsetting thoughts fade away.

#4: Find Something to Look Forward To
When life seems like all work and no play, it’s easy to feel down. Plan a treat for yourself, maybe next weekend. You might: Book tickets to see a movie Arrange to meet up with a friend for coffee. Pick a “date night” to spend with your partner. On a day-to-day basis, you can find things to look forward to as well. This might be as simple as watching an episode of your favorite television program in the evening, or buying a novel that you've been meaning to read.

#5: Play Some Music
Sometimes, small tweaks can make a big difference. If you’re ploughing through a mundane task – like answering emails or doing the dishes – then put on some great music. Fast, energetic tracks can boost your energy levels and help you work faster; slower, more contemplative tracks are great if you want to feel calm and relaxed.

#6: Take Care of Your Health
Finally, however busy you are, it’s important to find time for your health. If you’re feeling physically and/or emotionally low, you can often pick yourself up by: Getting enough sleep – most people need at least seven hours. Eating sensibly – don’t go for hours between means, and avoid high-sugar snacks that play havoc with your energy levels. Exercising regularly – this not only helps you stay fit and manage your weight, it’s also great for your mental health.

So, what do you think about all this advise? Will it work on you or not? Try it out.. I think most of us heard of all the ways that i mentioned but do you really apply and practice it? As i always know, the easy thing that we know may not be the thing that we always practice. Always remember that we're just human and we will never be perfect. If you have anything to share and voice out to the world, just email to voiceout@hotmail.my. You may use this blog as a channel or medium to share anything and everything to the world without barrier.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Overcoming NEGATIVE self-talk...

I think everyone knows about double personality where the one talking to himself in front of the mirror.. Sounds weird and scary?? We do face this problems in our daily life as we have to make decision and inner self remind or tells us something.. For example, what's your going to have for lunch? Mcd or just normal chicken rice.. Some part of you telling you to go for Mcd while the other part of you tells you that your heaty, Mcd is expensive and you should just go for chicken rice which is much more cheaper.. This is where we start negative self-talk that stop us from going to have Mcd and dilemma goes on.. This not happen on meal but everything single decision we made in our daily life.. This make it sounds much more IMPORTANT right.. Let's see what i could share on this topic..Everyone has an inner dialogue that runs day and night signaling what to do, what to say, and how to feel. Most of time, people just go through the day unaware of the impact their inner thoughts have on their everyday behavior.

You probably don’t notice many of the thoughts you’re reacting to because they’ve become automatic. They arrive spontaneously and can be tough to recognize. Thoughts can be like tapes playing over and over in your head, and when negative, can tell you things like, “you’re not good enough,” “you’ll never get over this problem,” and “what if something horrible happens?” 

If this sounds familiar, it’s likely that these self-defeating thought patterns have been a part of your self-identity for a long time. They’re just like a bad habit you can’t seem to break, and maybe don’t really recognize you’re engaging in half the time. They seem to be a part of who you are, and how you interact with the world.
Don’t let your inner-critic control who you are and what you can become. These thoughts are often irrational, and don’t have much ground in reality. Think about how much of the worrying you do actually comes to fruition? 

It’s time to tame your gremlin and manage that inner critic?

Separate thinking, feeling, and acting
Recognize when you have limiting and critical thoughts, and accept you’re going to feel anxious, inadequate, and uncertain at first. Begin to understand this connection between thinking and feeling, and break the identification with the feelings that accompany negative thoughts.You need to recognize how these thoughts make you feel and pay attention to the physical sensations that accompany these destructive thoughts and emotions. This can mean paying attention to your bodily reaction first. How does your body change? Do you get butterflies in your stomach of feel nauseous? Does your heart rate increase and palms start to sweat? This can be easier than noticing your thoughts, as thoughts can be automatic.

Most importantly, separate your behavior from thinking. Don’t let feelings of inadequacy prevent you from taking action and moving forward in life
Don’t immediately react to your thoughts. Be willing to separate the irrational thought from what is really going on, before reacting and jumping to conclusions.Learning to recognize how thinking, feeling, and acting influence each other, helps you to develop emotional awareness, and to start monitoring and managing negative thoughts and behaviors.

I had come across this ABC model and this could help you to teach yourself a new way of thinking: “Challenge” negative thoughts by using the ABC model to help manage your thoughts and feelings
A = Actual Event: State the actual situation that brought on the emotional state.
B = Beliefs: Describe your thoughts and beliefs about the situation that created these emotions and behaviors.
C = Challenge: Dispute the negative thoughts and replace them with accurate and positive statements.

It’s time to realize that the thoughts you have are driving you life. You have been habitually thinking yourself into your current situation, and probably don’t believe you can change the way you feel.Though, this can be done by recognizing the thoughts you’re having and replacing any negative thoughts with more positive statements. When you start to notice your bodies’ reaction to anxious and detrimental thinking, you can start to become present, consider how you want to react, take a step back, relax, and rationalize what’s really going on. 

This is where the “Challenge” step comes into play.

Start to counter negative self-talk with questioning and supportive statements.
If you experience critical, worrying, or victimizing thoughts, ask yourself, “What is the evidence for this?” “Am I being fair and objective with this thought?” If you can realize the foolishness in your previous negative thought, then provide a counter-thought, or positive statement to replace the negative thought.

Pay close attention to your triggers
Start noticing the thoughts you’re having, and write down any that cause worry, anxiety, or distress. You may have to keep a log or diary to gain the necessary self-awareness to make serious progress.

After you capture the thought in writing, consider:
What was the trigger for this thought?
How did it make me feel?
How did I react?

Pay attention to what you’re doing and who you’re with when the negative thinking emerges. 
This will help you gain insight into those people and places that can prompt self-limiting thoughts. Again, provide an alternative way you could experience the situation, write down your counterstatement and REHEARSE! Keep focusing on healthy positive statement and begin training your thinking patterns to change the way you feel. This will ultimately start to change the way you act and the activities you pursue. Notice how these new thoughts make you feel, and the new quality of life that is emerging.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Living Your Life The Way You Want

Feeling bored working Monday to Friday 8-5 daily. Feels like life more like being a machine and feels meaningless.. Time pass so fast and unforgiven.. Just without notice, it's June of 2011 and half year has gone.. What's the life we really want?? In our fast-paced society many people are completely overwhelmed and often feel their lives as being empty and meaningless. Every day looks like “Groundhog Day” repeating over and over again the same patterns and you wonder why. In average we are thinking 60,000 thoughts a day, but the real problem is we are repeating the same thoughts thus getting the same results. We are living our lives mostly based on fear and obligation.

In our society we were trained for the "Survival of the Fittest", were told what to think and to live up to the expectations of others around us. Whose life do you live? Did you ever ask that question? The good news is that there is much more to life than we realize in our daily hectic schedule! We are driven by the effects in our outer world which we created in the first place. You probably heard it already: The Law of Attraction. We attract into our lives what we think and feel about all day long. No exception. If your thoughts are focusing all day long on the lack you believe you have that is what you are getting: More lack! The Law of Attraction works and matches your predominant thoughts bringing into your life the things of the same kind of energy your thoughts are. Thoughts become things! You are in control! Unfortunately most of us are always running on autopilot. In other words we are sub-consciously thinking based on our belief-system and our conditioning of the past! Our mind is set up in a way to always recognize patterns and follow them.

A Life based on Inspiration is the total opposite of fear and obligation. It means you live based on Joy and Love. Your whole world around you is going to change once you reached that stage and there will be no more that feeling of emptiness. Why do we feel empty and often lonesome anyway? Because in our belief-system we anchored that we all are separate beings disconnected form each other. That’s what we call our “reality”, but it is only the effects created by us in the outer world triggering that feeling. By no means are we “disconnected”; in fact we are all connected together and of course we are connected to “Source-Energy”, to all that is or in other words to God. It is only the perception we have that leads us into this feeling of being “lonesome”.

The fact by itself that you are reading this article is already a sign that you are becoming aware of your connectedness, becoming aware that your life has a purpose to it beyond your imagination. What does Inspiration mean? It means being “In Spirit”! You never lost connection; you are just not tuned in to it. We are all so mind-driven and this chatterbox is making noise all day long telling us what to do, but always form this place of fear and obligation. We must become still to become aware of Inspiration or the voice of your true Self. Your Ego is standing right in your way making you believe that your ego is you. Nothing could be more far away from the truth.

How could you benefit from a life based in Inspiration instead?

When you are inspired you have access to your true power inside and your mind transcends any limitations. Your Consciousness is expanding beyond measure and you find yourself in a new world. Suddenly your hidden talents and gifts, which make you so unique, become alive. You discover that you are by far a greater person than your ego allowed you to be and that you ever dreamt of. You will find that you are OK the way you are, because you are already the most beautiful version of yourself you possibly can imagine.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "We are very near to greatness: one step and we are safe; can we not take the leap?"

Sure you can take that leap, it only requires that you make this conscious choice to personally grow and expand yourself to the greatness you truly are. I hope this could help you out somehow and remember to share your comment, idea and feedback by just sending to voiceout@hotmail.my.

Monday 30 May 2011

The power of WORDS!!!

Have you ever think about every words you blast out from our mouth and how would they feel especially when you're teasing or insulting someone.. It may seem like a joke, it may seem nothing to you or it was just a words.. BUT you will never realize how powerful words can be.. Speaking comes to most people as naturally as breathing. On many occasions our words are uttered without conscious thought; in fact we rarely stop and think about what we are saying. Thousands of words pour out of our mouths each day as our thoughts, opinions, judgement and beliefs are freely expressed. Often, however, we are oblivious to the positive or negative effect these words have on ourselves and the people around us.

Words have tremendous power. Words give out energy and a message which creates a reaction in others. Everything you say produces an effect in the world. Whatever you say to someone else will produce some kind of an effect in that person. Reaction to our words often returns to us often in a multiplied form. For example if I speak words of judgement to a person they will judge me back, probably with more intensity as their judgement has the pain or anger caused by my words attached to it Words of kindness and acceptance will generate a warm and appreciative reaction in a person. That person’s response to the words will be stronger because it will have the emotion created by the words attached to it. The power of words has a ripple effect in our life and those around us. 

We never knew that we may have hurt someone with our words. Words have the power to heal and it has the power to destruct also.We are constantly creating something, either positive or negative with our words. I would never said that i'm perfect and never hurt other people's feeling through my words but i minimize it and keep reminding myself how POWERFUL words can be.. So i would gladly said we keep to these simple yet powerful principles of words in ourself and practice it.

  • Your words can be a healing power in someone else's life
  • Changing your words can transform your life and the lives of others
  • The words we speak do more than simply express how we feel, words can actually affect feelings
  • You can create the energy to turn your dreams into reality by knowing what to say when you talk to yourself
  • A candle loses nothing of it's own light when lighting another candle

Let's me share with you a short clips on how powerful words can be and maybe you can give me some feedback or comment on how does really words affect people and yourself. If you have any comment, feedback or idea, feel free to email to voiceout@hotmail.my

Saturday 28 May 2011

Steps to become SUCCESSFUL!!!

It's quite a long time i last updated my blog.. Having some difficulties with  my schedule and probably working towards my own goal.. How long will it takes and what should i do to become successful?? Have you ever wonder and target on your own goal?? Have you think of how to make it achieve your goals and make it really happen?? Let me share with you my way of achieving my goal and i think it's very useful for everyone. There are 8 steps in total and i think most of us know about it but don't really practice it.. Without wasting much time, let's have a look on all the steps...

1. Goal Setting
If you have read my blog, you can see that I had discuss on secrets of success. It is because I don’t think you can succeed if you haven’t decided what you consider success, first.You need to have a target to aim for, you need to know why you are working.

2. Planning
Without a roadmap success is impossible. Many studies have been made to why some entrepreneurs succeed while others don’t. In most cases, it all comes down to planning. Successful entrepreneurs have made complete plans for how they are going to succeed and what they plan on doing. Often they end up doing something completely different, but the act of planning moves you to a long term mindset and it gives you a frame of reference when you evaluate opportunities and something to update when it is time to change.

3. Acting
A perfect plan cannot do anything until acted on. All the successful people I have worked with have developed the habit of acting. When they get an idea they take action at once.When they see an opportunity they don’t wait until tomorrow, they act. Once you have completed your plan, act on it.

4. Fail/learn
Every successful person I have met have failed at least once, by failed I don’t mean you have to go bankrupt, but at least once their plans didn’t go as they thought. They didn’t know everything before they started. There were things they needed to learn.When you start towards your success you will hit at least one bump on the road, learn from it, learn how to avoid it and then get back on the horse.

5. Planning
With the new lesson you have learned you will need to update your plan, it might not be any major changes but you will need to do something. You will need to make some adjustments so that you take the quickest way towards your goals.

6. Acting
Strangely this is the most common part people miss. They try once, they fail, they make new plans and then they stop. They don’t have the courage to try again. It feels almost ridiculous when you see the steps one after another, taking action on the plan you just made should be obvious, but everyone doesn’t do it. Your chances of success are infinitely higher now that you have failed once, use the knowledge you have paid for and succeed. If you do you will be one of the chosen few who live their dreams.

7. Learning
After going through the first crushing setback you learn a lot, but as you continue and get nearer and nearer your success you will see that you constantly need to learn more. Successful people seek out knowledge and never believe that they know everything. They continue improving themselves all the time.

8. Succeeding
After your struggles are complete and you have learned enough you will succeed. This step is mostly about recognizing it. Once you have succeeded make sure to take pleasure in it, don’t blindly continue working and toiling. Live your dream life, the one you have deserved.

So, it's never to late to start the steps now and become successful in your life and career. If you have any doubts or problems or ideas, you can always share out by sending to voiceout@hotmail.my. I hope everyone will gain something from this post.. 

Sunday 22 May 2011

SUPER Quotes!!!!

Opps!! It's Sunday again and less than 9 hours, everyone including ME got to go to work again..Hmm... Monday blues?? So, i came across a few motivational QUOTES that will charge you up like SUPERMAN or SUPERWOMEN!!! I believes there are thousands  famous quotes out there, but there are only a few with the power to touch your heart. Now, I would like to share 9 famous quotes that will not only supercharge your day and make you wise, but also inspire you to go after your wildest dreams and aspirations.The truth of the matter is that you can become and have anything you want in this world. The only person stopping you is yourself.With all that said, let’s jump right into the famous quotes, shall we?

1. ‘Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.’ – Van Wilder
We all worry more than we have to. When you think back in your life to the times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything?
If you really think about it, I think you will find that worrying doesn’t help nor does it solve anything. In fact, it often makes things much worse and it makes you feel bad.
Whenever you start worrying, instantly shift your focus to what you can do about the problem right now. If there’s nothing to do, let it go.

2. ‘It’s your thinking that decides whether you’re going to succeed or fail.’ – Henry Ford
Most people are more than happy to make excuses and give reasons for why they can’t do something.
It is in their thoughts that most people fail. One of the most common characteristics of successful people is that they are optimistic, positive, and they never give up.
They constantly imagine themselves succeeding and they face and overcome challenges easily. If you want to go after your dream life, you first have to get your thinking in order.

3. ‘Remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.’ – Abraham Lincoln
It is your own resolution and determination which decides whether you succeed or not.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed dozens or even hundreds of times, because if you don’t give up, your success is inevitable.
You can be a success, live a life full of passion, and have everything you desire, if you will just make the decision.

4. ‘You can do anything, but not everything.’ – David Allen
You can do anything you want, but not everything at the same time. You have to pick a few primary goals in your life that you want to pursue right now.
Or even better; just pick one.
This will not only help you make more progress, but it will make you feel motivated and inspired to take action.
When you focus on as few things as possible, you give your subconscious mind a solid target to aim at.

5. ‘You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.’ – Wayne Gretzky
How many regrets do you have? How many times have you wished that you would’ve had the courage to do something?
If you’re like most people, it’s pretty often.
Take that feeling and use it to take action right now. Go after what you want, even though you may not believe that it is possible.
Go take that new yoga class, try painting because you always wanted to try it, or start your online business today.

6. ‘We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ – Aristotle
Courage, self-discipline, and the ability to get things done is not something you’re born with. You can cultivate the habit of being productive and achieving your goals by constantly doing so.
The people that are living their dream lives are able to do so because they have taken action. They have been where you are, and they have overcome their inertia and started moving forward.
And they have kept moving forward despite their fears and despite any challenges that stood in their way.
You can do the same. You can always make excuses but the truth is that you can always do something, so begin with that.

7. ‘Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching.’ – Unknown Author
When you find work that you would do for free, you have found your passion and calling in life. When you have no expectations, your life will be like dance.
Most people love because they want to be loved. And most people don’t dance, because they fear embarrassment.
I say, love because it feels good, and dance even though you may look like a complete idiot if that is what you want to do.
Life is meant to be an adventure full of fun, passion, and meaning. You are the only one that can create that for you.

8. ‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.’ – Albert Einstein
Use your imagination to create the life of your dreams. You’ve heard of the law of attraction, which is excellent, but what most people often forget is that there’s also a law of action.
Use your imagination to plant the seed in your subconscious mind about what you want, but after that start taking massive action.
You can have what you want, if you will only go after it. I repeat this over and over because it is true and I want you to understand that.

9.’The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.’ – Lao Tzu
No matter what you want to accomplish in life. And no matter how long you think the journey is, it all begins with a single step.
For example, building a profitable online business begins with a single step. You can take that step today if you choose to, or you can put it off until another day.
And that day may never come, so you as well get started now.

So, still feel the same or does it really boost you up.. Let's see whether you could be one of them below:-

So, let's roll it out and make your day better!!! Anything to share just email to voiceout@hotmail.my

Thursday 19 May 2011

Blood Donation!!!

I came across this topic in Red FM and it reminds me of my 1st time blood donation in university. I'm kinda worry and scare but have to act "man" and "macho" in front of my uni-mate. Everything just happen so fast and it's done. I had save someone life at the age of 18. How bout you? Have you ever donate blood? It doesn't need money to save and help someone. You only needs to donate some of your bloods and  what is equally important is that blood donation do really good for our health. I do understand that some people are afraid of pain and being misleading from "some" people about blood donation. Thus, i would like to take this opportunity to highlight a few important information about blood donation. Hope this will change your mind and start donating blood now.

What is Blood donation?
There are fears that a blood donation will leave us deficient and thin. It is just a myth and the fact is just opposite.  Blood donation is actually healthy for us. It ensures fresh blood production within our body and the donated blood is recovered within a short period of time.

Can I donate blood?
Yes you can, if you satisfy these conditions. (Congrates that you have pass the 1st criteria and a step nearer to saving life)
·         A donor should be between 18-55 years with a body weight of 50 kg and above.
·         The pulse rate and temperature should be normal.
·         The blood pressure should be within a normal range.
·         Not in starvation or special dieting program.

Who can’t donate blood?
Do take note that not everyone could donate and we should strictly follow. (It's fine and don't feel bad if you falls under this categories, you may help out in other ways such as promoting the importance of blood donation or becoming a voluntary in blood donation drive)
·         Individuals with history of epilepsy, abnormal bleeding, asthma and cardiovascular problems.
·         Pregnant, lactating and menstruating women.
·         Those suffering from diseases like jaundice, malaria, hepatitis, measles and syphilis.
·         People who have undergone surgery and blood transfusion.
·         Individuals who have consumed alcohol.

How much blood is collected and what is done with it?
Only 350 -450 ml of blood is collected from us. It seem a lot but remember, we have 5-6 litres of blood flowing through our body. The withdrawn volume is restored within 24 hours and the haemoglobin and cell components are restored in 5-8 weeks. Therefore, we can donate blood every three months.

Who needs blood?
Report shows that someone needs blood every 2 seconds. The list is a long one, here are few recipients that i would like to highlight.
·         Accident victims
·         Premature babies
·         Patients undergoing major surgeries require whole blood
·         Patients suffering from anemia
·         Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
·         Fresh frozen plasma is used for patients having massive transfusions
·         Patients with hemophilia

Lastly, always remember friends, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your relatives, your neighbors, your friends and even you may require blood due to some unfortunate conditions. Donate blood and save live. If your keen to donate blood, you may check in http://www.pdn.org.my for the time and location of donation. Any sharing could email to voiceout@hotmail.my. There is a short clip to share with you all and i do believe everyone should play a role in saving life.

~One Donor can save many Lives~